segunda-feira, fevereiro 14, 2005

Verdade? Ou ficção?

Uma história de um "erro (para)médico", acontecida nos USofA. Resumidamente, um homem é atropelado, vem a assistência paramédica, declara-o como morto. Passa 2h30m num saco para cadáveres, é metido numa câmara frigorífica e, casualmente é descoberto VIVO na morgue. Encontra-se numa Unidade de Cuidados Intensivos, em coma - não se sabendo se as lesões resultam directamente do acidente ou do "erro". Dois dos (i)responsáveis foram demitidos, outros dois estão "em re-formação"; outro ainda está em "averiguações".
Aqui fica a introdução à história:

INGLESIDE, N.C. - Larry Green stepped out of the darkness so suddenly that the car that hit him didn’t even leave skid marks. The impact sent his shoes, socks and the unopened beer in his hand flying.Green came to rest on U.S. 401 alongside a trash-strewn ditch, where he was examined by paramedics and declared dead.Over the next 2½ hours, the bloody body with a gaping head wound was zipped into a black vinyl bag, taken to the morgue and slid into a stainless-steel refrigerated drawer.There was just one problem: Green was alive.Two weeks after that shocking discovery, the 29-year-old Green clings to life in a hospital intensive care unit, paralyzed.[continua].

Apenas alguns excertos, daquilo que poderia ser hilariante, não fora tão horrível!
"...found no pulse or sign of breathing. Blood had formed a foot-wide corona around Green’s skull...told them Green was dead, but asked ... to double-check... replied that his determination was “good enough for me,”
Although the law does not require the medical examiner to go to accident scenes, ... showed up half an hour later and began examining the body, lifting and twisting Green’s broken right leg, rolling him over and inserting a gloved finger into the gash in Green’s head.“That’s more than I need to see!” Lamell shouted.
...several firefighters ...noticed what appeared to be an in-and-out movement in Green’s chest and abdomen. “Doc, is he breathing?” ... it was just air escaping or moving around inside the body.

Paramedics put Green in a body bag and drove him to the morgue... There, Perdue examined the body a second time. He took a blood sample, lifted Green’s eyelids and sniffed around the man’s mouth for alcohol. ... thought she noticed twitching in Green’s right eyelid. She asked Perdue if he was sure Green was really dead... responded that the twitching was a spasm, “like a frog leg jumping in a frying pan.” She asked Perdue again if he was sure Green was dead. He reassured her.
The body bag was zipped back up, and Green was placed in the portable morgue unit, where the temperature is kept a few degrees above freezing. Green probably would have remained in the stainless-steel container ... determine the direction from which Green had been struck.
This time, Perdue observed slight movement. He could not find a pulse in Green’s neck, thigh or wrist, even with a stethoscope. Perdue summoned paramedics and an electrocardiogram, which was able to pick up a faint heart rhythm."

O efeito dos "preconceitos" ou uma séria inqualificável de erros sistemáticos: Não tinha pulso, não foi iniciado suporte básico de vida, não foi transportado para o hospital, não foi determinada a morte correctamente (pelo menos deveria ter um traçado electrocardiográfico, um exame pupilar, uma pesquisa de reflexos), foram ignorados sinais clínicos de respiração... e se o acidente não lhe fez muito mal (não se sabe se sim ou se não), aposto que o frio, não o deixou em muito melhor estado!

O golpe de misericórdia, são as declarações de uma vizinha: who’s to say the paramedics weren’t right, and that Green did not come back from the dead?


mas que problema!

mas ja tenho ouvido faalr em casos desses, em que as pessoas acordam nas morgues - é mais naqueles programas sobre ´pos morte e o regresso dos mortos ao mundo dos vivos! lol

mas impressiona-me que isso possa acontecer...agora o individuo pode estar em coma devido ao congelamento...ui!  

Chocante é o mínimo...  
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